Meet the Team


Doug Stewart

Doug Stewart

CEO of Edventure

Becky Lovegrove

Becky Lovegrove

Green and Healthy Project Manager

Sue Palmer

Sue Palmer

Future Shed Lead

Annabel Crooke

Annabel Crooke

Green and Healthy Communications Lead

Frome Medical Practice

Dr Helen Kingston

Dr Helen Kingston

Senior GP Partner, Frome Medical Practice

Jenny Hartnoll

Jenny Hartnoll

Health Connections Lead

Charlotte Carson

Charlotte Carson

Community Sustainability Lead

Richard Podmore

Richard Podmore

Evaluation & Sustainability Lead

Frome Town Council

Peter Wheelhouse

Peter Wheelhouse

Economic Development & Regeneration Manager & Deputy Town Clerk

Emma Parker

Emma Parker

Project Officer

Dr Owen King

Dr Owen King

Climate Action Evaluator

Sally Richards

Sally Richards

Community Retrofit Lead

Jo Morris

Jo Morris

Resilience Officer

Community Board Representatives

Peter Macfadyen

Sheila Gore

Esther Maughan McLachlan

Fiona Barrows