Want to feel more confident talking about climate and health win-wins? Want to build local knowledge on the support on offer in Frome? Join the Green Community Connectors!
Sign up to training here: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/green-community-connector-training
Held monthly and free to anyone living in the Frome area, this 1 hour training session gives us time to explore how we can take positive steps to make a difference to our planet and our wellbeing.
What is Let’s Connect?
Mendip’s Let’s Connect work is all about the power of communities to support each other by passing on information to friends, family and neighbours and with simple projects that anyone and everyone can get involved with.
All these courses can be attended for free via Eventbrite and run on a monthly basis. You can join us on one of the Zoom sessions listed on the website or arrange a small in-person training session (following Government CV-19 guidelines). Please contact us to discuss if you want a session just for your organisation or group.https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/green-community-connector-training-tickets-150748295209
Email: mendip.healthconnections@nhs.net
Call: 01373 468368